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Tuva. Respublika Tuva. Historical highlights. Tour to Tuva. Tuva tour. Trip to Siberia.



The history of Tuva is as long as the history of the mankind. It is considered that Tuva was inhabited 40 000 years ago. Scientists found a great number of rock drawings and stone monuments dating back to that ancient period of the history of Tuva. In the 6th century AD, Tuva fell under Turkic rule. In the 8th century it was conquered by the Uyghurs from modern China. In the 9th century Tuva was taken over by the Turkic “Yenisey Kyrgyz” empire, then, ruled by Jenghis Khan’s Mongolian successors from about the 13th century. When the last independent Mongolian state, that of the western Mongolian Oyrats, was wiped out by the Manchu Chinese in the 1750s, Tuva became an outpost of China.

Conquerors came and went. But they never disappeared without leaving traces of their cultures in Tuva. It was during Chinese period that Buddhism of the Yellow-Hat Tibetan variety led by the Dalai Lama, came to Tuva where it still coexists with the older shamanist religion.

The first Russian delegation came to Tuva in October 1616. The first Russian tsar of the Romanovs dynasty took this part of Siberia under Russia’s protectorate. Russian traders, gold prospectors and peasants first began to settle in Tuva in the 19th century.

After the Revolution in China of 1911, the Tsin Empire collapsed and the Outer Mongolia declared independence. Confronted with the cruelty of rule of Mongolia and Manchuria, Tuvans took the decision to adhere to the Russian Empire. After the Bolshevik Revolution followed by the Civil war, Tuva became an independent people’s republic (Tannu-Tuva) in 1921. Tuvan, the vernacular Turkic tongue, became an official language, initially written in the Latin alphabet but later converted to Cyrrilic.

In 1944 Tuva was renamed to the Tuvinian Autonomous Republic and became part of the USSR. Tuva proclaimed itself a full republic within Russia in 1991 and elected the first president in 1992. However, semi-nomadism survived to some extent in Tuva, as well as shamanism in some mountainous regions of the republic. Buddhism banned during the years of the Soviet power is slowly reviving, and new temples have been founded in Kyzyl and other settlements of Tuva.

Photo. Tuva. Pages of the pictures album.

Photo. Tuva. Pages of the pictures album.

Photo. Tuva. Pages of the pictures album.

Photo. Tuva. Pages of the pictures album.

Photo. Tuva. Pages of the pictures album.

Photo. Tuva. Pages of the pictures album.

Photo. Tuva. Pages of the pictures album.

Photo. Tuva. Pages of the pictures album.




Tour to Tuva

About Tuva

Tuva history

Sights of interest



Tuva pictures


Russia in numbers and facts


Religious creeds in Russia

Folk craft

Stereotypes and symbols of Russia


Trip to St. Petersburg 

Trip to Moscow 

Trip to Golden Ring


General information, route, train, schedulers, train tickets


Trip to Yekaterinburg

Trip to Novosibirsk

Trip to Altay

Trip to Krasnoyarsk

Trip to Tuva Republik

Trip to Lake Baikal and Irkutsk

Trip to Buryat Republik


Trip to Khabarovsky Kray

Trip to Vladivostok

Trip to Sakhalin islands

Trip to Kuril islands

Trip to Kamchatka


Accommodation booking

- Hotel

- Hostel

- Home stay

Ticket booking

- Air ticket

- Train ticket

Russia visa support service

Other services

- Guide service

- Transfer


